Bloodraven - P.L. Nunn This story was quite a surprise. I came across it by accident and didn't know if I would like it but took a chance based on all the great reviews. I thought I would be squicked out by a lot (there are a lot of dark and different themes in this story) or not be able to take the story seriously (Ogres?), but I read this like a person obsessed.

The author has a unique talent for drawing you into the story, making it real and believable. I was also impressed how the author made both main characters likable, despite one doing really bad things to the other (uh, yeah). The plot was interesting and the twists and turns kept you on an emotional roller coaster.

I have to warn to say though, that I had to read some scenes through my fingers, especially one at the beginning and another at the end which were more over the top dark and difficult, but the story was well worth the effort.